The Dos and Don’ts of Applying Hand Cream: A Guide

The Dos and Don’ts of Applying Hand Cream: A Guide缩略图

Hand cream as a cheap and effective way to take care of your hands, I’m sure it’s essential in every household! However, do you know how to apply hand cream properly and what to look out for? Applying hand cream incorrectly can lead to poor results. In this article, we will discuss the do’s and don’ts of applying hand cream to ensure effective and efficient care of your hands.

The Do’s:

  1. Cleanse your hands:

Before applying hand cream, it is important to cleanse your hands thoroughly. Wash your hands with a mild soap and warm water to remove dirt, oil, and any other contaminants. This will ensure that the hand cream is easily absorbed into the skin, providing maximum hydration.

  1. Use the right amount of hand cream:

Many people make the mistake of using too much hand cream. A pea-sized amount is usually sufficient for each hand. Over-application can make your hands feel greasy and can also lead to wastage of the product. Start with a small amount of cream and add more if necessary.

  1. Rub the cream between your palms:

Once you have the right amount of hand cream, rub it between your palms to warm it up. This will help the cream spread easily and evenly on your hands. Rubbing the cream between your palms also ensures that it is distributed evenly, avoiding any concentrated areas that might feel heavy or greasy.

  1. Apply the cream to the back of your hands:

Start by applying the cream to the back of your hands. Use gentle circular motions to massage it into your skin. The back of the hands tends to be drier than the palms, so it requires more attention. Make sure to cover the entire surface of the back of your hands, including your fingers and knuckles.

  1. Massage into your palms:

After applying the cream to the back of your hands, use your fingertips to massage it into your palms. Again, use gentle circular motions, focusing on areas that tend to be drier, such as the base of your fingers and the area between your thumb and index finger. This will ensure that the cream is fully absorbed into the skin, providing maximum hydration.

  1. Pay attention to your cuticles:

Hand creams are not only meant for your hands but also for your cuticles. Gently massage a small amount of cream into your cuticles, as they tend to be dry and prone to cracking. This will help to soften and moisturize them, promoting healthier nail growth.

The Don’ts:

  1. Avoid applying hand cream on dirty hands:

One of the most important don’ts of hand cream application is to avoid applying it on dirty hands. If your hands are dirty, wash them before applying hand cream. Applying hand cream on dirty hands can trap dirt and bacteria, leading to clogged pores and breakouts.

  1. Don’t forget to apply hand cream throughout the day:

Hand cream should not be limited to a single application in the morning or evening. Our hands are exposed to various environmental factors throughout the day, such as harsh soap, cold weather, and frequent hand washing, which can lead to dryness. Therefore, it is important to reapply hand cream throughout the day, especially after washing your hands.

  1. Don’t skip applying hand cream in the summer:

Many people tend to skip using hand cream during the summer months, thinking that the warm weather will provide enough moisture for their hands. However, the sun, air conditioning, and exposure to chlorine in pools can still cause dryness and damage to your hands. Therefore, it is important to continue using hand cream regularly, regardless of the season.

  1. Avoid using hand creams with harsh ingredients:

When choosing a hand cream, it is important to avoid those that contain harsh ingredients such as alcohol, fragrance, or parabens. These ingredients can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Opt for hand creams that are free from these harmful ingredients and are formulated with nourishing and hydrating ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, or natural oils.

Characteristics of Quality Hand Cream

  • Feel moist but not greasy after applying it;
  • Very moisturising, low dosage and long-lasting;
  • Fast  absorption and refreshing comfort;
  • Can make hands soft, fine lines significantly reduced;
  • The fragrance is fresh and natural, even to the fragrance-free is preferred.

Final Thoughts

Proper hand cream application is crucial for maintaining healthy and hydrated hands. By following the do’s and don’ts mentioned above, you can ensure that your hands receive the maximum benefits from the hand cream. Remember to cleanse your hands before application, use the right amount of cream, and massage it into both the back of your hands and palms. Avoid applying hand cream on dirty hands, skip applying it throughout the day, or using products with harsh ingredients. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy soft, supple, and moisturized hands all year round.

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