How to Make Your Brown Nails Last Longer


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Have you ever walked out of the nail salon with a fresh manicure only to have chipped nails by the end of the day? If so, we feel your pain. Like it or not, everyone who has ever painted their nails has experienced a short-lived manicure, trust us. If you already make it a point to be diligent with your nail care to no avail, you’re probably wondering what it takes to get long-lasting nail polish. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to help your manicure go the distance. All you need are the right tips and tricks and a few tweaks in your routine. Want in? Follow along for tips to help you learn how to make nail polish last longer.

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How long does nail polish last without chipping?

Before we jump straight into our list of tips for long-lasting nail polish, we have to answer the obvious question: How long can nail polish last without chipping? The truth is, it really depends. Because there are so many variables, it will vary from person to person and from manicure to manicure. Traditional nail polish can last for days without chipping. However, if you choose a long-lasting formula, such as a chip-free or gel polish, your manicure may last up to two weeks before you see any chips.

Apply a thin layer of nail polish

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When it comes to finishing your nail polish, you need to go back to the basics. How well it is applied matters. Simply apply a thin coat of nail polish to extend the life of your manicure. Simply put, thicker coats take longer to dry and the polish can easily flake off.

Change your nail polish recipe

If traditional nail polish always seems to leave your nails chipped, it might be time to try a new formula. Chip-free nail polish formula will come in handy to keep your nails looking beautiful. Of course, you also need to make sure that your at-home manicure is done the right way. Read our article How to Apply Nail Polish for a Home Manicure for some guidance. The chip-free formula is also perfect for at-home pedicures!

Blow dry your nails with cool air

Instead of using hot air (such as a hair dryer on the highest setting) to dry your nails, choose a cooler method. Think about it: Your manicurist probably has a tiny fan on his or her workbench instead of a small heater. It may feel nice, but it won’t help the longevity of the polish. Hot air can actually prevent your nails from drying properly, so use a cool air setting or put your nails under a fan to get the job done.

Polish on the free edge of the nail

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While you might start by applying a coat of polish to the center of your nail, then bend the brush and apply an even coat to both sides, you might be missing a step. You’ll want to sand the free edge of your nail to help seal it. This means painting the tip of each nail (including the underside) so that they are completely covered in nail polish. This simple trick will help your manicure last.

Choose short nails

While long nails hold a special place in our hearts, they can get in the way of a well-manicured manicure. Short nails are less likely to chip or peel because they are less likely to hit things (such as when typing or cooking). If the idea of short nails turns you off, spice it up with a fun nail design or bold color.

Reapply topcoat every two to three days

It’s easy to think that once you apply topcoat, your manicure routine is complete. However, if you really want your nails to have that salon-fresh look, we recommend a little more maintenance. Make sure to reapply the top coat every two to three days for long-lasting results. This will help prevent pesky nail chipping and nail polish flaking.

Avoid applying nail polish on cuticles

Even if you’re a manicure expert, you might make the mistake of getting nail polish on your cuticles or skin. Unfortunately, this can lead to flaking or chipping because the polish doesn’t stick to the skin like it does to the nails. When nail polish lifts and flakes off, it also takes the polish off your nails. Fortunately, you can clean it up quickly. Just dip a cotton swab in nail polish remover and carefully rub around the nail to remove any polish that shouldn’t be there.

Apply cuticle oil and cuticle cream

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If you’ve been skipping the cuticle oil and cream on your nails, it’s time to get on with it. When your nails crave moisture, you risk experiencing more wear and tear. Apply a drop of cuticle oil to the base of your nails after a manicure to refresh your nails. If you wash your hands multiple times a day, your nails may peel off faster. Add this step to your daily skin care routine to keep your hands and nails in mint condition.

Let gloves be your best friend when doing housework

One of the quickest ways to say goodbye to a perfect manicure is to saturate your nails with water and cleaning products. Stay on top of things and wear gloves when doing household chores to protect your nails.

Roll your nail polish bottle

Shaking a bottle of nail polish to get an even color has become standard practice, but it may not be the best method for your nails. In fact, this technique can create air bubbles that can cause chips in your manicure where the air is trying to escape. No need to shake the bottle, just roll it between your hands for the same effect but without the bubbles.

File nails and apply topcoat

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Don’t let chipped nail polish put a damper on your mood, but take back control of your manicure. If you notice chips along the edges of your nails, gently file away (try using a glass nail file) the tips and apply a coat of topcoat to give your nails a new look.

Final Thoughts

By following these tips and techniques, you can make your brown nails last longer and enjoy a beautiful manicure for an extended period. Starting with well-prepped nails, using a quality base coat and brown polish, and applying thin layers are fundamental steps. Sealing with a top coat, avoiding excessive water exposure, and moisturizing your hands and cuticles are additional measures to promote longevity.

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